Healthy Babies. Healthy Families.

Three Steps To Take Now To Support Your Fertility Naturally

Here’s the why! Because healthy babies come from healthy families. You want to give your baby the best start! You want to begin from a place of health, to get it right the first time. My approach is to support parents to remove obstacles to their fertility and then support them to be at their most excellent health.ย  Plus you know that you’re laying the genetic groundwork and all the predispositions for baby with the quality of baby’s preconception and nine months of pregnancy.

The time around conception and through the first year of life is a golden period to lay a strong and vital foundation. That is why, because, healthy babies come from healthy starts and we want healthy families!

If you’re working on creating a healthy family or struggling to get pregnant here are three steps to take now to get pregnant naturally!

  1. Struggling to get pregnant- find out why! Don’t settle for less than clean answers. Your hormones are normal. Let’s try this injection is not enough, go deeper! Your body has reasons! #why #naturopathicmedicine
  2. Commit to green leaving- seriously! chemicals will disrupt your hormones, metabolism and impact your genetics. More importantly, they will have an even bigger impact on your small little babe! Get start cleaning up your home environment. #cleanbeauty #greenclean #eatorganic
  3. Self-care- are you vital? Do you feel good in your own body? This is so important as you invite another life onboard. You want to make this place an awesome residence for your sweet bundle. Start small, start where you are and move towards building up your health with good food, healthy movement and supporting your mind and emotions! #mindbody #movement #strongwomen #stronglady #strongmomma #eatgoodfood

Want more information about giving your little one the best start? Follow me on Instagram or work with me in person or virtually.

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