Dr. BreAnna Guan
“Let’s try this birth control pill to balance your cycle.” These were the words I heard from many doctors while I sought out answers for my missing menstrual cycle. I tried the pills and I felt awful. Ultimately, they weren’t in line with my values, plus I knew these pills were not actually balancing my hormones – they were suppressing them. I wanted to feel my ovulation with the full moon and painlessly start my period on the new moon. Maybe that’s a bit romantic. What I wanted was someone to do some more in-depth testing to tell me, “this is why you are not having a period and this is how to fix it” to get to the root cause of my issue and find out what was really going on. I wanted to be healthy naturally!
I kept hearing your hormone levels are “normal.” I now know that random day hormone testing is pretty useless and almost always “normal.” Women’s hormones just aren’t that simple. Gosh, I wondered, do I need to hire a detective for this missing period, someone who is really interested in finding the answers? I knew there had to be another way and I found it. This journey led me to Naturopathic Medicine, where I was no longer just hormone levels but a whole and unique person.
What is your story?
Perhaps you feel similar? Maybe you see the GI doctor for your IBS and the endocrinologist for thyroid and PCOS and the list goes on. All the while, you’re still gaining weight and there’s a nagging voice in your head that keeps asking, “could all these things be related.” You ask your doctor and they say no. With a strong will to survive, you go online and search for information but it is all conflicting. You read some medical articles (you’re smart!), throw a dart, cross your fingers, take some fish oil and inositol, try the IBS diet and the Hashimoto’s gluten-free, high-carb, low-carb, adrenal bacon-cheese diet, and then you know this much stress and uncertainty can’t be good for your acne and so you stop….
This is where I come in. I know your struggle, I get it. You want clear answers and you want the truth. You don’t want facial hair, hot-flashes, IBS, loads of supplements, cream, powders, and pills, you want healing and having some carbs sounds pretty great right now.
Here’s the plan, first we need to identify the causes to your difficulties, tie all the pieces together and see the bigger picture of who you are and your unique story. We then will work together to help support you towards healing and disease prevention so that you feel amazing for the long haul (no quick fixes here). My goal and intention is that all of this will lead to a relationship based on honesty and trust, and that you will gain the skills and know how to create vibrant and lasting health in your own unique way.
Dr. Guan works with clients as a consultant and adjunct to your medical care team. She will not replace your primary care provider. It is important to continue your relationship with your medical providers while working with Dr. Guan.
Experience & Commitment
My Education, Training and Commitment
During my four years of intensive medical education at Bastyr University in Seattle, WA, I was awarded the prestigious Sheila Quinn Founder’s Award for service to the Bastyr community. Excellent services to my clients and community at large is something I continue to hold in highest esteem. I am committed to providing the best care to all those whom I have the honor of serving.
I completed preceptorships with leading doctors at Seattle Children’s hospital and the Cancer Treatment Centers for America. I saw breast and prostate cancer patients on a NIH grant at the Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center. Working with children and cancer patients instilled in me a deep commitment to prevention and understanding of what relentless hope means. I shifted my focus to women’s and children’s health and health aging/prevention because I knew if we started “healthy” from the beginning with healthy aging, mothers, babies and families there is a whole lot of good that can happen for generations to come.
In addition to my medical education, I also received a bachelor degree in Herbal Sciences from the only nationally accredited program for botanical medicine at Bastyr University. I have been studying natural medicine for over 14 years. Most of my recommendations will include foods, nutrients and herbal medicines to help nourish and support the body.
I’m am a proud member of the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors MSND.ORG. I previously served for three years as the president of the Indiana Association of Naturopathic Medicine and an additional 3 years on the legislative board. I am a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
To you and your family’s best health,
Dr. BreAnna M. Guan

“Naturopathic doctors are the bridge between alternative and conventional care and model true integrative care. Patients who receive care from an integrative primary care physician have reduced medical costs and need of interventions when compared to those receiving conventional primary care alone.”
SOURCE: Clinical Utilization and Cost Outcomes From and Integrative Medicine Independent Physician Association: An Additional 3- Year Update