Dr. BreAnna Guan's Blog
Dr. BreAnna Guan
When a new plan or a diet is just not enough
Have you ever tried a new supplement, drug or diet only to find that it ...
April 24, 2015
Dr. BreAnna Guan
What is Your Experience of Health
When you are reflecting on your day, do you ever consider the impact of your ...
November 18, 2014
Dr. BreAnna Guan
Cancer Prevention and Diet
Insulin-like growth factor 1, is a hormone that causes growth. This growth is positive thing ...
October 28, 2014
Dr. BreAnna Guan
Breast Cancer Prevention Tip: Day One
October is breast cancer awareness month. To help raise awareness and promote prevention, we are ...
October 14, 2014
Dr. BreAnna Guan
Naturopathic Medicine Week
IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES April 10, 2014 Ms. Mikulski (for herself, Mr. Harkin, Mr. King, and ...
October 6, 2014
Dr. BreAnna Guan
Gut bacteria changing human food choices?
Microbial genes out number human genes by 100 to 1 in the intestinal microbiome. In ...
August 19, 2014