Dr. BreAnna Guan is a licensed Naturopath Physician and has a bachelor's degree in Herbal Sciences from the only nationally accredited program for botanical medicine at Bastyr University.
Sleep disturbances are plain bad for your health and quality of life. Poor quality sleep and insomnia cause and are associated with heart disease, hypertension, glucose imbalances, anxiety, and depression.
For women sleep disturbances coincide with menopause, premenstrual disorders, pregnancy and post part depression. Below you’ll find a list of side-effects and associated symptoms of poor sleep and twenty tips from Dr. Guan to support sleep quality.
“She who sleeps wins”
— unknown
First off, what are the different types of sleep disorders
Fragmented sleep
Short or long sleep durations
Irregular sleep rhythms
Hypoxia (low oxygen)
Poor sleep leads to more symptoms
If you’re not sleeping well you’re more likely to experience the following symptoms
Obviously fatigue
Sugar cravings
Weight gain regardless of diet and exercise
Allergies and inflammation
Swelling and high blood pressure, water retention
Skin changes
Anxiety, depression
Brain fog
Hormonal imbalance
Rapid aging
Sleep tips
Avoid lights and screens one to three hours before bedtime.
Aim to be in bed by 10:00 PM to get the most healing and high benefits from sleep.
Avoid caffeine after noon.
Take multivitamin and B-vitamin containing supplements before noon.
This guide will take you on a journey to understand your menstrual cycle and hormones, giving you the tips you need to connect with your monthly rhythms.